Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Truth of the Matter / Hakikat Sebenarnya

Excerpt from the book called 13 Bankers by Johnson and Kwak / Petikan dari buku yang dipanggil 13 Bankers oleh Johnson dan Kwak

·         “The failure to regulate not only derivatives, but many other financial innovations, made possible a decade long financial frenzy that ultimately created the worst financial crisis and deepest recession the world has endured since World War II.”

This is what happens when finance is not governed by Shariah.

·         “Derivatives grew to over USD680 trillion in face value and Credit Default Swaps grew to over USD50 trillion by 2008 contributing to the inflation of the housing bubble. When that bubble burst, the collapse in the value of securities based on the US housing market triggered the financial crisis. US and other governments bailed out their banking sectors with rescue packages worth hundred of trillions of dollars.”

These bail outs are by creation of fiat money out of thin air which is fraudulent and a thievery of the ordinary man’s purchasing power

Monday, August 26, 2013

Ulama dalam kedudukan berkuasa politik perlu membenarkan profesional Islam menjalankan kerajaan sementara mereka mengawal selia kerajaan tersebut melalui Dewan Ulama / Scholars in position of political power must allow Islamic professionals to run the government while they oversee the governing via the Dewan Ulama

Assalamu 'Alaikum,

Apa dah jadi? Bergabunglah tenaga professional Islamik dengan barisan ulama demi kemajuan Islam. Sedarlah bahawa British telah sekularkan kita. Barisan ulama perlu ketangkasan tenaga professional Islamik; dan tenaga professional Islamik perlu bimbingan barisan ulama. Bacalah tulisan tulisan cendiakawan saperti Prof Syed Naguib AlAttas (Islam dan Sekularisma) untuk memahami hakikat sekularisma bangsa Melayu khasnya dan umat Islam amnya oleh Barat. Kita wajib bergabung sehingga sistem pendidikkan kita mampu wujud insan kamil yang syumul ilmunya berkemampuan menguasai kedua -dua dunia dan akhirat. Bukankah begitu banyak contoh dalam sejarah Islam dimana pemimpin-pemimpin agung Islam rela berundur diri demi kesatuan dan maslahah Islam?

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Al-Beltagy wrote to his Shuhada daughter recently killed by Asisi snipers

Al-Beltagy's letter to killed daughter Esmaa
Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed al-Beltagy wrote a letter to his daughter Esmaa killed on Wednesday by snipers in Rabaa al-Adawiya 

Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed al-Beltagy wrote a letter to his daughter Esmaa al-Beltagy killed on Wednesday by snipers at the sit-in at Rabaa al-Adawiya.
The letter published on the social media account of al Beltagy expressing his feeling to his daughter reads as follow:
"My dear daughter and invaluable teacher…
I don’t bid adieu to you conversely I say “see you tomorrow”.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

So sad for Misr, so sad for Sham, so sad for Gaza./ Sedih untuk Misr, sedih untuk Sham, sedih untuk Gaza.

So sad for Misr, so sad for Sham, so sad for Gaza.

Your death is our death,
Your misery is our misery,
Your hardship is our pain,
Oh Allah please save our brothers and sisters who are facing such brutal treachery
Surely You are the Defender of the oppressed.
Surely You answer the du’a of the oppressed

Oh Allah grant taufiq and hidayah to our leaders so that they understand the bigger battle they have to plan and fight.

Sedih untuk Misr, sedih untuk Sham, sedih untuk Gaza.

Kematian mu adalah kematian kami,
Kesengsaraan mu adalah kesengsaraan kami,
Keperitan mu adalah keperitan kami,
Ya Allah kau peliharalah saudara-saudara kami yang sedang mengharungi kezaliman
Sesungguhnya kau pembela orang-orang yang teraniaya.
Sesungguhnya kau makbul du'a orang-orang yang ternaniaya

Ya Allah kau limpahkanlah taufiq dan hidayah kepada pemimpin pemimpin kami supaya mereka memahami perjuangan yang lebih besar yang mereka perlu rancang dan harungi.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Dear Douglas

Dear Douglas,

Thank you for the Eid greetings. Yes its the day to celebrate the victory over the self which is what Ramadhan is all about. A month of fast not only from food and drink but the attainment of a higher level of purity and thankfulness for the countless blessings bestowed by Allah the Almighty.

Nonetheless it pains many Muslims and I am sure a good number of concerned non Muslims over what is happening in Syria, Egypt and Palestine. If we do things in the name of God it cannot be that other humans must suffer for our acts of worship. It has to be wrong if fellow humans must suffer in our effort to please God. Lets us reflect on this important proviso.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Even with an economics background I am always baffled by the analysis of the ever so politically correct economic writers. / Walaupun dengan latar belakang ekonomi saya sentiasa bingung dengan analisis penulis ekonomi sekarang

Assalamu 'Alaikum
Even with an economics background I am always baffled by the analysis of the ever so politically correct economic writers. / Walaupun dengan latar belakang ekonomi saya sentiasa bingung dengan analisis penulis ekonomi sekarang

Even with an economics background I am always baffled by the analysis of the ever so politically correct economic writers. The US flooded the world with green pieces of toilet paper over the recent years in their so called Quantitative Easing . Then they threatened or decided to stop further episodes of this craziness and that according to these politically correct economists spells doom for the rest of the world, the Malaysian economy not excluded?

I mean, shouldn't we be celebrating that the US have decided to stop this madness?! It’s not unlike we flooding small kids with lollipops and suddenly we worry about their health because we intend to stop giving them another flood of lollipops?! These writers did not they realised that with QE the US bought the world's real assets, our palm oil etc, with green pieces of toilet paper?!! Shouldn't this be their concern instead of worrying the US will stop further flooding of these green toilet paper?!